By EggsD#9603, Aided by Alchemist: Faranight#0001
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By EggsD#9603, Aided by Alchemist: Faranight#0001
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This guide was written by the EggsD of the Sucrose Fan Club community. You can find the full document here and the Discord here.
“An alchemist with an insatiable curiosity towards the world and everything in it. Attached to the Knights of Favonius as an assistant to Albedo, her area of focus is "bio-alchemy." She strives to enrich the world by transforming living things with the power of alchemy. Granted, the products of her research sometimes prove to be more weird than wonderful — but on the whole, she has made monumental contributions to the field of bio-alchemy.”
Official Genshin Website
Rarity: 4-Star Element: Anemo Weapon Type: Catalyst
Sucrose is a 4-star anemo catalyst user that is capable of amazing elemental mastery passover, Good elemental skill/burst anemo damage and decent Crowd Control (CC).
Whether as a DPS-role or a EM-support role, Sucrose’s abilities shine brightest when your team composition is able to bring forth element applications and cause copious amounts of reaction damage. Not to mention having 2-charge elemental aoe skill (at Constellation 1) and DoT aoe burst will always keep multiple light/mid-weighted enemies in a crowd for your other teammates to secure a solid swipe.
However, as an anemo-catalyst user, Sucrose will suffer against enemies who have anemo status or immunity to their own element, meaning slimes will be very tough to strike down without a proper team composition. In addition, her full potential only shines greatly when her constellation-1, -4 is achieved and her constellation-6 skill leaves much to be desired.
Great EM carryover to team
Amazing reaction starter
Flexible role assignment (Support/DPS/Hybrid)
Decent CC skill and burst
Generally amazing constellation passives
Most reliable VV application
Requires Con 1, 4 for maximum potential. Con 6 is not as good.
vs Slime is bad
Burst needs 80 energy
Sucrose’s basic attack. Compared to other catalyst users, Sucrose’s normal attack base dmg is low. It is a 4-hit combo with decent speed. Not recommended for use unless out of stamina or activating con-4 skill.
Her charge attack however, is fairly strong with decent range. It’s a good alternative damage source when elemental skill/burst is on CD. It should also be noted that Normal and Charge attacks have separate ICD, meaning mixing up the attacks will be a huge benefit with reactions.
Sucrose’s elemental skill. Main source of DPS regardless of role. Unlike most of the cast, Sucrose gets 2 charges for her skill at constellation 1. It is an AoE attack that can pull and launch, giving small CC properties. It can bring objects into the sphere including Klee’s little bombs.
Sucrose throws a projectile which bursts into a giant crystal fly that can pull and launch enemies periodically for a certain time. It will deal anemo damage per dmg. Sucrose’s burst can also absorb ONE element and will deal additional elemental damage of the type absorbed.
When Sucrose triggers a swirl effect with a certain element, characters with a matching element (excluding Sucrose) will gain 50 Elemental Mastery for 8 seconds. You can apply this talent for multiple elements at the same time and the CD will reset every time you create a swirl reaction. While not a lot of EM transfer, every little bit counts.
When Sucrose hits an opponent with either Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst, all party members (excluding Sucrose) will gain 20% of Sucrose’s EM for 8s. Once again, CD will reset every time the skill/burst is applied.
Quite underrated. When Sucrose crafts character/weapon ascension materials at the crafting bench, she has 10% chance of doubling her product.
Sucrose’s elemental skill gains 1 additional charge. This is one of the two best constellations Sucrose can get. 10/10 in value. If you are able to get an extra constellation for Sucrose at c0, it is very recommended.
Sucrose’s elemental burst gains 2 additional seconds of duration. It’s not much but it helps when it counts.
Increases Sucrose’s elemental skill talent lvl by 3. Considering this is one of her best DPS sources as well as passive trigger, this helps Sucrose immensely.
The constellation which unlocks Sucrose’s full potential. Every 7th normal/charge attack, Sucrose’s elemental skill CD will get reduced by 1~7s. This makes her double charge elemental skill even more available with constant reduced cooldown. Makes her DPS role even more viable.
Increase Sucrose’s burst talent level by 3. Once again, Sucrose’s elemental burst is a good source of dmg and CC. This helps Sucrose immensely.
When Sucrose’s burst absorbs an element. Characters with matching element will gain 20% elemental damage bonus. While on paper it sounds good, the practical application is tough as an undesirable elemental absorption can occur outside of the player’s control. It is left much to be desired.
Sucrose’s choice of weapons will depend greatly on what role she will be fulfilling. Here are some very good weapons from our list (unordered). For ease of identification, we have separated the EM based and DPS based catalyst in separate tables for you.
Despite being a 4-star weapon, this is arguably the best weapon for Sucrose EM build. Having a chance to gain a charge of elemental skill back secretly gives Sucrose 3 elemental skills. In addition, the EM substat only solidifies her role into giving a good deal of EM towards the team.
Mappa Mare is more of an option if you do not have Sacrificial Fragments for EM build. Elemental DMG boost is still beneficial for her. It’s just not the most ideal.
Magic guide is a poor man’s catalyst that can be used for EM support Sucrose. Still it is worth using as a 3-star since the max EM value exceeds that of Mappa Mare.
Sucrose generally benefits a lot from sets that give her EM, ER and Anemo bonus. Towards the endgame you should aim for only EM if you’re an EM support, or ATK/ANEMO/Crit(or ATK if you are not using a crit based build) if you are a DPS. Alternatively you can go EM/ANEMO/(EM/ATK) for a hybrid build, it shows that Sucrose is very flexible with what build she wants to do. But there are definitely more favorable options for her. Here are some good ideas to get through.
Artifact Set
The De Facto artifact set for Sucrose regardless of any type of build you’re going for. 15% additional anemo dmg and a whopping 60%+ swirl damage really benefits Sucrose in every way. Not to mention the element res 40% decrease on enemies just pushes Sucrose to full potential.
This is for raw DPS sucrose build, especially on team comps that you cannot really create some form of reaction frequently.
Unfortunately this build will not take advantage of Swirls. Please only use this when you’re sure you are taking the path of raw DPS Sucrose.
Wanderer’s Troupe
This is mostly if you want to do just a little bit more EM effect. Nothing really new.
This is a pretty niche build, and much more noticeable with C1 Sucrose with Sacrificial Fragment. When pieced correctly, you can proc both sacrificial fragment and gambler effect, pretty much giving you Four charges of Sucrose’s elemental skill.
Thundering Fury
This is another incredibly niche build. If you create a team utilizing Fischl/Beidou on electro and Xingqiu on hydro, Sucrose will be able to compile the two reactions and trigger the 4-Thundering Fury CD reduction effect. Yet again, this will still not beat the 4-Viridescent Venerer
There are multiple concerns and interesting factoids about Sucrose that players should know. These few pointers will help out future players to utilize Sucrose’s kit much better and get a flexible team comp. This section will get updated as time goes
In addition to Sucrose’s passive talents sending Elemental Mastery to her team, any other EM Sucrose gains can also be passed down to the team. These EM increase Sucrose can gain can be things such as: Albedo’s Passive Talent 2 and Diona’s con-6 skill.
Overall EM a team member can gain once everything is stacked can be followed by this equation:
50 + [(<Sucrose EM> + <Additional Party EM Buffs>)×0.2] + <Additional EM Buffs>
Also remember that EM gains are order based and value locked upon use. For example, if Sucrose receives the EM buff from Albedo after she has already passed down the EM, the additional party EM buffs will not be applied to the equation.
Sucrose’s elemental burst can absorb one element and pulses the same elemental DMG along with swirl. However, what can be really absorbed follows several rules (WARNING: we do not know the full detail of the absorption rule so we would like to ask your patience while we understand it further):
Enemies’ or Player’s inflicted element will be absorbed.
Environment can be absorbed (ex. if there is water nearby, the burst will absorb its hydro element)
Certain characters infusing themselves with an element can be absorbed (not weapons, so Chongyun and Keqing won’t work)
Non-crystallized element shields (Xinyan and Diona) can also apply elements to the burst. For consistency, you can create the shield, then Switch to another character so the element refreshes.
Sucrose’s elemental skill has a property that attracts enemies and items towards the center of the AoE. In addition to this crowd control, you can also use the suction effect to increase fall damage.
Such a concept has been found with characters that are able to lift enemies up very high. The Jean + Sucrose combination is a perfect example in which Jean's charged attack and elemental skill combo which throw enemies into the air can be followed up by sucrose's skill to further increase falling damage if timed properly.
Compositions that benefit from large amounts of elemental mastery or frequent swirl reactions will be the best fit for sucrose, however as discussed above she is a very versatile character who can fit into a great many teams. The most popular and effective are listed below.
Making extensive use of Sucrose’s separate elemental application cooldowns (from her skill, basic attacks, and charged attacks), the taser comp uses her as a main DPS to constantly swirl electrocharged reactions. Uniquely, sucrose takes the majority of on-field time as opposed to other teams.
Very consistent AOE dps
Constant CC
Relatively low investment
No reliance on 5* units
Use of stamina can be reserved for dodging
Low skillcap, very easy to play
Reliance on high value subdps characters that are vital in higher dps comps
Weak against enemies with innate elements
Lower dps ceiling than the most meta teams
Preferred Gear
4 Piece Viridescent Vinerer
Attack | Anemo Damage | Crit Chance/Damage
Widsith, Skyward Atlas, Lost Prayer, Mappa Mare, Solar Pearl
Fourth Constellation gains considerable value but is not vital. If you have a C6 Diona, her Burst giving 200EM additional EM will help overall DMG even more.
Having EM-filled Sucrose in a maximum element reaction DPS team only makes burst damage fill even bigger. Various team comps that rely heavily on such reaction damage requires Sucrose to trigger her passives according to the element you will trigger the reaction with
Ability to create insane damage output
Relatively low investment
Only require EM for main and substat
Overall damage will still rely on your Main reaction trigger DPS
Lower dps Sucrose to do
Sucrose alone can’t do much.
Preferred Gear
4 Piece Viridescent Vinerer
EM | EM | EM
Sacrificial Fragment, Mappa Mare, Magic Tome
Con 6 is a good to have, but not necessary. Constellation 1 will only help with the EM carryover, then again, constellation 1 will help Sucrose no matter what.
A team built entirely around amplifying a vaporize reaction from Childe as much as possible, capable of clearing the first abyss 12 floors in one shot. Often drawing in many views and new players with its impressive final damage number, all of the effectiveness of this team comes from very carefully setting up buffs for a well planned reaction, making it difficult to play and relatively inflexible.
Incredibly high burst damage ceiling
No real reliance con constellations or 5* weapons
Aside from Bennet, relatively low opportunity cost and is able to use Mona well
Will fall apart if it fails to oneshot or in repeated engagements
Difficult to set up and complex to play around, need a good understanding of Gauge Theory
Highly reliant on Mona's Widsith proc and the Childe vaporize hit critting
Preferred Gear
4 Piece Viridescent Vinerer
EM | EM | EM
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, Sacrificial Fragments
Sacrificial Fragment
Mappa Mare
Magic Guide
Skyward Atlas
Lost Prayers of Sacred Wind
Sacrificial Fragment
The Widsith
Solar Sphere
<b></b> x4 Viridiscent Venerer
x2 Viridiscent Venerer +
<b></b> x2 Gladiator’s Finale
x2 Viridiscent Venerer +